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Aloha Spa - Avoid it!!!
I was in New Orleans today and saw the sign for this place about 2 blocks from the parking lot as I was leaving. I thought - what the hell. I have an hour to kill. So I dropped in. It looked pretty nice from the inside but then I saw the masseuse. Holy crap! She was an asian beachball with a face like a Boston Terrier. On top of that - the AC was running quite nicely but she was sweating like a mule.
Needless to say - I bolted for the door and that is why this is merely a comment and not a review. I didn't stay long enough to get any info for a review. Avoid this place.
Gee I would really like to avoid it but no where do you tell us what the name of the place is....
Gee I would really like to avoid it but no where do you tell us what the name of the place is....
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