Laurel Beltsville area

In 'Laurel Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by rogue1

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06/20/2009 08:58 am

posts: 0

Well, I have been thinking of getting into this some time, I live down the street from one of the major ones, and beltsville is not to far away. I am just wondering what the process usually is? I am pretty sure the first time around will be nothing to write home about, but I can see myself going once or twice a month when I am bored. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I am all ears. Lily is down the street.

Lord Warwick
06/29/2009 07:46 am

posts: 0

It all depends on what you are looking for and how much you are willing to pay. Lily's has always been tip oriented, $100+ or - a few bucks. I have had a lot of fun at Lily's, just look at the reviews and decide what you would like to try. Make time for the entire hour, try to get a place with a table shower, be a gentleman lay back and let the ladies do their job.
07/14/2009 05:11 pm

posts: 0

rogue wrote:
Well, I have been thinking of getting into this some time, I live down the street from one of the major ones, and beltsville is not to far away. I am just wondering what the process usually is? I am pretty sure the first time around will be nothing to write home about, but I can see myself going once or twice a month when I am bored. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I am all ears. Lily is down the street.


just chill out and relax the women are very easy going
07/18/2009 11:24 am

posts: 0

Lilys in my experience has been a ripoff; you can do better and get better service off of craig's list. Beltsville accu has been a decent, basic, no frills, shop; the girls are usually older; probably indentured debtwise and working it off; none speak english; and some can be pretty ugly. Judy, Jenny, Cindy and Mina are the best; Mina seens to genuinely like her line of work; the others, just working off debt. You have to pay big bucks to get anything GFE in an AMP around here; unless they know you; but the ones where the girls are younger, and free-lancers, they tend to stay a month or two and then move on. At Beltsville; the same ones are there for years.
07/18/2009 07:54 pm

posts: 0

Best tip is to relax and enjoy the ceremony. I even like the bad experiences: I love the idea that it's up to THEM to take care of Me; I love the odd, unexplained waits (why do they leave the room for a few minutes before they get to the sex part?); I love discovering what she's good at, what she's not. I love trying to be nice to them, and I love watching their personalities change over the session if you can somehow make contact with them and cajole them out of their suspicion. I don't mind paying (I'm so far past being sexually competitive it's funny) and I don't mind overpaying. In all my adventuring, I've only been stiffed--if you know what I mean and I think you do--once and in general I have to say that entering the world of the AMP has really been fun for me, and has added a dimension to my sex life I'd never have imagined. Had pretty good luck at Lily's, best luck at Silk when it was 21 Therapists and Rainbow Spa, a neat FS encounter at Moonlight, and some good head in various DC spots, though those are closed down so often you can't keep up. Enjoy the mystery and the folly!
07/18/2009 08:00 pm

posts: 0

Oh, and the traffic control is usually superb. No matter how full it is, you never see another guy ("Jack! Oh, hi, say are you going to make that deadline or what?") I always have a slight fear of a raid and wonder how that would hit my life: ruination or would the cops just say, get out of here, old man. I wonder also: do they have a secret bouncer. What if I guy acts up, gets pissed; does some Korean CIA agent come out and kung fu him to putty? I wonder what the girls say in Korean: Ugh, yours is almost as ugly as mine, most likely. I wonder what their private lives are like . . . do they date, do they shop, do they have parents, what's the deal. They always seem happy, and I tell myself that I'm NOT exploiting them, or if I am, it probably doesn't matter because if I didn't someone else would. Who owns them? Do they pay off cops? What was the deal in Howard County when the table shower was banned? What did the cops think THAT accomplished? Like, duh? She still puts it way up there with a lot of soap and it feels damn good every time. In all, it's very very interesting.
07/19/2009 07:28 pm

posts: 0

you bring up interesting points, in Korea I met alot of parlor girls who did it just for the money and were not forced or anything.I am sure that alot of them have external lives outside the parlor.I know in korea they had someone watching nearby incase of problematic clients I would believe that they were doing the same thing in the AMP's here in the states.
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