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This topic refers to RL Therapy
Just a thought. When I see a lot of these detailed reviews that read like a letter to penthouse, it seems that shortly thereafter the places get closed down, like Blue in Laurel. So if you are trying to get the attention of LE, just keep up the good work and keep those penthouse letters coming.
Just a thought. When I see a lot of these detailed reviews that read like a letter to penthouse, it seems that shortly thereafter the places get closed down, like Blue in Laurel. So if you are trying to get the attention of LE, just keep up the good work and keep those penthouse letters coming.
Just saying, less than a week after your 6-28 review, I ran into fire inspectors making their "yearly" fire inspection. What are the odds, three hundred sixty four to one that it really was the "yearly" inspection. Hey if they close down, there are plenty others to go to, but I like to have as many options as possible. As for your foul mouth, well it takes all kinds.
you should thank those fire inspectors for potentially saving lives, including your own ass. i see you are narrow minded and concerned only about getting your little weenie jerked by some asian chick that only cares about your money. foul mouth? all the pussy i have eaten there was clean.
I'm sorry, you must have confused me with someone who gives a shit what you think. And the more you rant about what you get and how big your dick is, makes me wonder if you just aren't trying too hard to impress readers. I don't think many of them give a shit what you think either. have a nice life.
hey T-shit. no rants, just facts. if you read - if you can read - my honest reviews I never said anything about my cock. only what some asian chick in a parlor told me as she sucked it and i fucked her with it. if readers are impressed or are not impressed with a review, so be it. the purpose of this site is to give honest reviews. evidently you are not getting the services you desire and are angry at those who do. either you are old, or ugly, or have a little dick, or have no money. or maybe a combination of the aforementioned. if i posted a review of my session in a baltimore parlor yesterday you would not believe that one either. having a nice life here!
I totally agree with T-bird. Some of these guys need to be a bit more discreet with their reviews and not fuck it up for the rest of the guys. The last thing we need is the loss of a great MP. Keep it coded and keep it moving.
There is absolutely no doubt that kingsmountain has something to prove.
Whether it is to himself or to others - who knows.
Bottom line: Never argue with an asshole, you get no place.
(Awaiting the huge internet muscles that kingsmountain has often displayed.)
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