
going for massagey


01/10/2012 05:31 am

We all know guys are going to this and all the other newer massage places, why doesn't anybody write any reviews?

Theres another review site that states HE in all reviews, but no full service to be had here, supposedly very cute and friendly providers.



01/10/2012 03:59 pm

I agree. However, my experience with many of these new places popping up is that there is no HE to be had at many of them. I've seen reviews on other sites for some, and also been to a few myself. I think if it is a bust, guys aren't interested in writing a review on here.

I know Acu-Acupressure has had some promising reviews on the web awhile back, regarding HJ finish...but recently it seems that most guys are striking out there as far as any extra service beyond legit massage is concerned.

I'd love to see some positive reviews appearing for many of these new area AMPs too. But, I think many of them are just not offering consistent HE services.

Personally, I've been out of the hobby since around Thanksgiving for various reasons, but I'd like to try a few of the newer places soon and if I have any luck I'll post something. It's hard not to just stick with the sure thing spots though, when these new places seem so reluctant to offer HJ (hand jobs), BJ (blowjobs) and FS (full service). There may be limits on how much service management will allow.">extras.


01/10/2012 08:13 pm

I have been to some of the newer places that are not listed on this site, many times now. None of them have been very promising, no HE, although some of the girls have allowed very limited touching but that was it. Also, some of the guy's get upset if a legit place is listed on this site.

I know two different owners of some of the newer places and they both want to run a legit only places. One is training her girls how to massage but stay away from touching any of the "wrong places", how to place the draping so nothing is exposed and how to hold the hands of the client so he does not have an opportunity to touch the girl's breast.

I have been surprised that more isn't offered, I would think that with all the new competition (and from what I have heard, more is coming) they would do things to attract more business.


01/10/2012 10:47 pm

"I know two different owners of some of the newer places and they both want to run a legit only places. One is training her girls how to massage but stay away from touching any of the "wrong places", how to place the draping so nothing is exposed and how to hold the hands of the client so he does not have an opportunity to touch the girl's breast."

Awe, this is unfortunate news! I think I know who you are talking about.

It seems the AMPs would make much more money with repeat customers, if they offered HJs at least. Is it that risky in these parts, with LE? HJ shacks shouldn't be a big priority for the local gov. and law enforcement. Seems like a big waste of time. Maybe these business owners think they can attract a good repeat clientele with legit massage at those prices.

Anyway, it's a bummer so many have gone legit. I hope the "more are coming" that you mentioned will throw some fun HE action into the mix.


01/14/2012 10:28 pm

We will have to see what happens. This is a big thing for the owners. It can effect them being able to do business and therefore make money. For the girls, it's whether they keep their low paying job or have nothing. So when you ask for a HE and the girl says "boss won't let me", they are saying, "I need this job". A place in Novi was raided a few weeks back and LE took all the girls out with them. The next day they were back up and running but they were told their license will not be renewed.

There is a place on Rochester rd. opening in 2 weeks but that is owned by the same owner teaching the girls how to do massages and draping, so that isn't very hopeful. There is someone, who I think you know moon_rabit, that is trying to open a place in Michigan here in the next few months but is facing an up hill battle doing it. They have told me that it will be strickly legit. The other owner, who recently opened a legit place is planning on opening another one too. So it looks like a new trend.


08/02/2012 07:05 am

This is a very strange place. Had a terrific first visit with a young provider back in the Spring, including prostate massage which I really enjoy. Went back a second time a few weeks later, early afternoon, and was greeted AND provided by an older provider. First time, mama said "I get younter girl for you" for massage. Second time, had 30 minutes massage, no touching of the boys,etc. At the end, she asked in broken English, "you like massage?" and I said "Well, I was hoping for a H/E". She became quite upset, and said "we no do that here" and proceeded to rush me out. I work hard for my money...so doubt I will return. I can only guess she thought I was L/E, but I don't look the part. Repeat visits might get me something again, but I can spend my money other places. And the massage, frankly, wasn't all that great...

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