Incorrect credentials.
02/08/2010 10:45 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Jade Spa
Jade Spa picture

does this mp have a line up?
02/09/2010 06:46 pm

posts: 0

Based on the reviews it would appear they have at least 3-4 girls on staff. Provided they are not busy at the time, you could request a line up. And by the way you do not say "I would like a line up", you simply ask may I see all the girls who are not working now?
02/27/2010 12:00 pm

posts: 0

thanks man...any f/s? and if so how much?
02/27/2010 01:01 pm

posts: 0

this place is .6 for door fee and 1.4 or everything. never done line up there but have never had bad experience and for all reports one of the best places in Dallas
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