Joanna and Nana from Herdon spa left?

In 'Fairfax Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by basketcase1

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12/12/2015 11:15 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Herndon Spa
Herndon Spa picture

I have been seeing Joanna and Nana at Herdon Spa in Northern Virginia for about the past year and when I got back from 6 weeks in Japan they were gone and some new gals were there.

I'm pretty sure they just want to some other local shop. Does anyone happen to know what shop they went to? They were both really hot.

.. Seriously annoyed how these girls just pack up and move around.
12/14/2015 04:24 am

posts: 0

I have wondered why there often is a quick "pack up and move"; so, I asked. Using broken English, MamaSan said "customer like new girl". Over the years, I also have asked some of the providers and all seem to imply they have little control over where they go. It seems that most I knew in my town, all went to NY. New girls also come from NY. I have heard other hobbyist say NY is sort of a distribution center for the Korean workers.

I often pry to try to discern how they are being treated. I am an activist against human trafficking. So, I only patronize shops with obviously over-21 workers and they have to display a demeanor of "freedom" and a true willingness to do what they do. High income is their incentive and they appear to do well. My current ATF is over 30 and plans to return to Korea permanentlt by end of 2016. Says she regularly sends over $1,000 per month to her daughter and her mother in Korea and plans to buy land and house when she returns.

While we are chatting, I wonder how the owners and managers glide so smoothly through our business process; e.g., work visas, masseuse licences, business licenses, certificates of occupancy, inspections, et al. I know guys who spend years getting city halll to modify a building forr a business. The Koreans can re-hab a structure and occupy it within a week, using Asian contractors thzt I can never find in the phone book.
12/14/2015 11:40 am

posts: 0

Thanks Rick60..

The odd thing is that Joanna had told me she was the shop owner and the other girls seemed to go along.. She was almost always the one that took the phone and often came in to the room to chat while I was getting the massage part of my visit. She looked mid to late 30's and I would guess Nana to be late 20's or early 30's. For their they were both freakin HOT. Slender, flat stomachs, tight asses.. really NICE and both offered FS.

miss them.. ..

They both lived close to each other in Arlington. I wonder if they moved to a shop closer to home?
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