Incorrect credentials.
08/10/2012 12:08 am

posts: 0

If you could spend 2 weeks on a tropical island, and you could pick a girl from a Sacto AMP to take with you. Who would you pick? (yes i do have too much time on my hands)
08/10/2012 12:25 am

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I would have to go with Sophie from Health Massage Place cause after two weeks maybe I could finally get what I really would like!
08/10/2012 12:47 am

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Kal - this is a great topic, so just to clarify a coupla ground rules for Fantasy Island, Boss - look, Boss! De PLANE! De PLANE!

Sorry, it got away from me there for a sec... But, is this ideally a tropical island where there is ZERO cell service and ZERO internet, so the chick can't be all texting and wanting to update her ads and emailing and watching Chinese TV and like a lady I just left about 10 minutes ago explained about why she was texting me at 11:30 last night - "I was up late! I called my friend in China!"

If we can keep her off the cell/laptop and also only listen to her when she's not flipping thru catalogs circling items she just canNOT live without and is desperately wanting us to buy for her then I think we've got us a rather ideal getaway!

Okay - last Q: This is as a Friends-with-Benefits situation and not a Pay-for-Play setup, right?

[I admit - if you'll pardon the expression - I'm buying TIME. Need to do some thinking on this one...]
08/10/2012 12:54 am

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friends with benefits, A TV that only gets sports and no cell phones.
08/10/2012 01:04 am

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KalAMP wrote:
friends with benefits, A TV that only gets sports and no cell phones.

YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/10/2012 01:12 am

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KalAMP....How about a refridgerator and a grill, too?
08/10/2012 01:15 am

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relaxn wrote:
KalAMP....How about a refridgerator and a grill, too?

gotta have a frig and grill
08/10/2012 03:56 am

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would we still have to hear those immortal words... "Turn over Please."
08/10/2012 11:45 am

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and no "spitting" allowed anywhere on the island
08/10/2012 12:18 pm

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KalAMP wrote:
and no "spitting" allowed anywhere on the island

08/10/2012 12:20 pm

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I think there would have to be a table shower so she could rinse the sand from your ass crack and ball folds.
08/10/2012 12:50 pm

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how would the sand be kept out of the oil? Can U imagine the "Jackhammer" without oil! OMG! "The Humanity of it All." Figure out where those words came from.
Klem 1
08/10/2012 02:59 pm

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Can I get multiple islands?? I would like to shuttle back and forth, depending on my moods, my needs, and my desires at that moment!

It IS all about me, isn't it?

I would take Yuri from Kims for all around beauty, soft and supple skin, and smokin' hot body!
Jessica would live on another island close by for when I wanted to get funky with a little more nasty!
I would swim over to Annie's island for the foot massaqe.
But I would spend most of my time on Mimi's island... because with her blend of filipino and latina beauty - shes the best!

~~ sigh ~~ When do we leave??!!
08/10/2012 03:19 pm

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i would pick MIMI (KIM'S) for the most fun. I would pick TAMMY (SKY) 2 obvious reasons. @@
08/10/2012 07:33 pm

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Well, I can start with the process of elimination by offering an experience from this week...

@Kal - ya know how we've always spotted the old gray Beemer that Tracy drives and has always been parked outside there at the corner of Walnut & El Camino at the former Aloha that's now Golden and that nobody in their right mind visits?

Well... Silly ol' Time... the Beemer's been missing a few times lately and I was goofy enough to get my hopes up that there'd been a change in staffing, so I stopped in. 1st point of alarm was the yapping little ankle biter going bananas when I walked in, then the sliding window in the lobby opens and this rather horrifically overly made up specter of a face appeared and fortunately Tracy didn't seem to recognize me. Made 30 seconds of small talk, executed a sharp about face and beat feet double time for the door. Whew.. Way past time to retire her tired old bod and that amount of makeup is truly disturbing, tho I cringe to think what she's like without it.

Just stopped and chatted with another lady as I have seen her before but it was slow - as in, 2 clients all day from 10-3:30 - and she was hooking up a new credit card machine and I ended up helping her out and just hanging out rather than getting a massage, etc. Only massaging went on was I gave her a footjob of sorts. She told me she's 55.

Bottom line: Seems like nobody who looks like they're in a Halloween mask or isn't passable as being oh, say maybe around 30-something should be allowed on Fantasy Island, Boss!
08/12/2012 09:40 pm

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Time, the plane is leaving you have to pick.....

I am liking Grabsters idea but with just one island, that could be interesting!!!!

Another who is fantasy island material is Jennifer at the old Cinderala Massage.
08/12/2012 11:05 pm

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@Boss - that's interesting you mention Cinderella as I just finished reading about that place somewhere in the last day or so of a dude who said that it's now a good option out that way!

I'll have to be honest here, as I hear de plane revving up for the island, Boss! There are 3 ladies I enjoy FS with on a Friends-with-Benefits basis frequently enough that I rarely opt for retail FS and the Rub-n-Tug or legit massageeeee onreeee! AMP options where I've developed a good thing with some of the sweeter, prettier ladies, I'm not too sure I'm ready to name them on a public board as targets for my Fantasy Island getaway.

Plus, it's one thing to have a great time for a day or 2, a weekend getaway - like I've done with an AMP chick or 2, have an AMP lady spend the night 2 or 3 nights running at your house or spend a few nights straight at her house and apartment, but it's entirely another thing to think it'd be heavenly to have 2 weeks on an island with her, ya feel me, Dawg!?

Now... if we could ask BossBro KalAMP whether it'd be possible that our Fantasy Island is equipped with 3 or maybe 10 FREE FS AMP spots where we can swing by, pick up the lady of our choice and whisk her away to our island cabin on the other side of the island for a day or 2 or so and then bring her back and pick up a different 1 for a few days and keep THAT going for a coupla weeks... Oh, HELL yeah! Sure seems like we could stock up at least a handful of FREE FS AMP op's there on Fantasy Island with some of the upper tier ladies here in the local area and make one very satisfying time of a coupla weeks away in paradise! Waaaahoooo!
08/13/2012 01:08 am

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mmm, maybe we need to go with top 3 picks with 2 in the bull pen
08/13/2012 10:48 pm

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Time you are already living the Fantasy Island dream so I understand your reluctance to get on the plane!!!

And I have been thinking about giving the old Cinderalla another try and that's why I mentioned her.
08/14/2012 11:24 pm

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I don't know what I was thinking when I started this thread. I could never settle for one girl for 2 weeks. I go to an AMP 1 to 2 times a week. i rarely see the same girl twice in a 2 week period. For me, its the chase. Always looking for the next great experience. So for the ultimate tropical experience, I need an island, with thousands of willing woman, cold beer, big screen TVs and plenty of food to eat. i am happy to say I have been there many times and am returning after the first of the year......The Philippine Islands ( the PI )
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